Year: 2024

Phones must be banned in school

Phones must be banned in school


-Phones should not be used in schools because it is a learning area not a hang out area with phones so i am agreeing with the government on this decision


Distraction, Cheating

I think phones should be banned in schools because it could be a distraction in learning and in test times they could also be cheating in the exams using google calculator and much more. This is part of a global way over more than a decade to restrict phone use in schools. New zealand governments say banning mobile phones will reduce distractions in class, allow students to focus on learning, improve student wellbeing and people have agreed too banning phones.


Cyberbully Respect

Cyberbullying is bad because it is not a good way too show integrity when some one is talking and your not paying attention.  respect means to demonstrate high regard for or special attention to something or someone. Most likely not looking at your phones.


The lack of attention and stealing

With phones in schools, not only can they do what they want but teachers can’t access their phones like chromebook. After people start bringing their phones other people will start bringing  their phone to school and the more people with phones the less learning there is and more distraction. Why phones should be banned in schools. Is because they could attract the attention of people and make them steal their phones. That could be because of negativity around the whole school and more phones could go missing. 



As we wrote this text we were agreeing more and more to the government  on why it should be banned in schools to tackle classroom disruption, improve learning and help protect children from cyberbullying and also others like theft, respect & agreement.

I am kelepi

I am Kelepi I like food playing games is what I do. I am Kelepi big and strong always there to prove you wrong.. I am Kelepi  Im a good friend mean or great you will still like me then. I am Kelepi playing sports I can play any as long as there good. I am Kelepi really cool people will say what a cool dude. I am Kelepi well guest what this is the end so well done.